Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ayumi Hamasaki visits HK prior to Sept.concert

chinadaily(2008-07-22 11:10) Japanese pop star Ayumi Hamasaki was welcomed by delirious fans when she arrived in Hong Kong for a new project on Monday.

More than 20 security guards were summoned to the airport to hold fans at bay, Tungstar reported.

Hamasaki will be in Hong Kong for six days shooting calendar photos for a Japanese magazine.

The 29-year-old singer admitted in January that she had gone deaf in her left ear. That didn't cool down her popularity, however, as fans were encouraged to see Hamasaki continue pouring herself into her career.

She is scheduled to hold a solo concert in Hong Kong on September 20 before performing in Shanghai and Taipei.

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This is my first english version, i'am beginer to write blogging here and my english grammer too bad.......... :-(

First, let me introduce my self....
My name is Fadliansyah, from indonesia. I live in Banyumas Resident, Central Java. I'am 22 years old now. My hobby is writting (blogging), reading, listening music, radio (local & international radio) and many others.

Well, on this weblog i want to talk and writting all about i know, such as my personal life, blogging, making money online (also internet marketing) or other activity i can. This is not celebrity's blog or famous authors, but please, i know and i hope can make unique article from all my expririence :-)

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