Saturday, May 30, 2009

Have You Optimize Ur Video File?

Some strategy to optimize traffic to get more visitors from website or weblog is giving excellent content to readers. We know great content is the king to optimize and get more benefits. Not only to get traffic, but also get excellent opportunities to visitor and make some brand image as well as to perfect content website/weblog. With video file, we can give our readers to learning something or just report like business idea, or also just tutorial online, right?

It's very simple to distribute and unique tactics. This is also one of advantages to you. But, did you know video file is must optimize from search engine to get more and more traffic. Sure, video file can't benefits to your readers if this file not optimize. It is very important. So, video file must be search engine optimization friendly (SEO friendly). It can be make successful to distribute your video and finally this video file can also recomended from each other people in the world. It can be following if your video content is excellent, I think one people feel good and also want to helping promote your video. So far, how to optimize video file for search engine like Google? Here is it I want to recomend about article what discuss about it......

I find some great articles from "web-articles" online page. This page discuss How to optimize video files for Google. We can learning about simple tactics to share and optimize our video file. Here is some simple tips I copies :

On-page text and links to the video First and foremost, make sure all the videos on your site are presented on individual URLs. Text surrounding the video file, and links pointing to it, give contextual help to search engines, so include keywords there. If you’re going the uploading route, you may not be able to control a great deal of the on-page text for uploaded videos, but you can certainly point keyword-rich links from your site to the pages containing your uploaded videos.

Want more tips and related informations?
Simply, just visits How to optimize video files for Google. I hope this article can be help you to get excellent benefits from ur video file and search engine friendly. Ok! thank for your attention to read this article. See u again and I hope more related information links below can also help you again to learning about this topic....

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Sunday, May 24, 2009

I'am Come Back To Blogging!

Setelah sekian lama mendapatkan peringatan serius dari OM Google dan Blogger[dot]Com, seperti yang sudah saya tulis disini akhirnya alhamdulillah peringatan tersebut sudah di cabut dan halaman blog ini kembali normal sediakalanya, saya merasa senang dengan hal ini, kamu...?
Yach, cukup lama blog ini vakum tanpa belaian kasih layaknya gairah tante girang di blogoshpere

Oops! Koq rada2 nyeleneh ada kata2 nembak cewek keyword segala, ya sud dibaca aja kekekekkekk...
Kenapa lama blog ini vakum?

Yach karena tak lain admin blogger rada cemburu buta gimana kali, udah lebih dari seminggu dan request kali kedua untuk pencabutan peringatan itu, eh baru di approve dan disetujui setelah sekian lama mengunggu. Mungkin karena blogger[dot]Com benar2 sibuk dan perlu waktu senggama senggang, kita tau platform blog ini memang sangat kondang, selain wordpress[dot]ORG tentunya ato wordpress[dot]Com pada umumnya.

Semoga tidak ada lagi peringatan perceraian BLOG SPAMMING pada halaman ini, dan semoga Blog sendiri tidak diharamkan seperti keputusan kontroversi "haramnya jejaring sosial seperti Facebook dan Friendster" waktu2 ini. Kita hati2 aja di internet. Haram bagi yang menyalahgunakannya, bukan?

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Blogger[dot]Com, This Is Not Blog SPAM Activity, Don't Delete It Please!

Sepertinya Blog ini diujung tanduk yang siap di enyahkan di muka Blogoshpere jika dalam waktu kurang dari 20 hari ke depan saya tidak melakukan permintaan review kepada pihak admin sang penguasa blogger[dot]Com, Google!. Ya, tepatnya kemarin siang entah sore saya mendapatkan email dari Tim blogger dengan pengirim yang sentak mengagetkan jantung saya. Blog ini ( dideteksi oleh robot pengidentifikasi SPAMING mereka. Sirine merah Blog SPAM telah ditandai blog ini, padahal tidak ada satupun niat untuk membuat SPAMING pada Blog ini. Memang itulah resiko Blog gratisan seperti Blogger[dot]Com seperti ini, walaupun Domain-nya tetap bayar tetapi hosting dan platform blog masih nebeng sama Blogger.

Artikel ini sengaja saya informasikan kepada kawan-kawan blogger lainnya supaya lebih berhati-hati dalam nge-Blog, juga untuk memberitahukan kepada Blogger[dot}Com (bila di Review) bahwa Blog ini bukanlah aktivitas murni Blog SPAMMING. It's sure! This Blog is NOT REAL to BLOG SPAMING activity. Kesalahpahaman bisa terjadi, untunglah ada kesempatan dan peringatan dari Blogger sebelum Blog ini nantinya dibekukan jika tidak mengajukan peninjauan ulang, sehingga besar kemungkinan jika peninjauan diterima pihak blogger[dot]Com maka insya allah Blog ini tidak jadi di hapus. Saya senang bisa menerima peringatan dini seperti ini, jadi bisa ditanggulangi bukan?

Saya ingat pengalaman dahulu, blog saya tiba-tiba mendadak hilang bagai ditelan bumi. Tidak tanggung-tanggung, bukan hanya 1 blog yang di hapus tetapi ada kurang lebih 2 atau 3 buah blog saya lenyap semua tanpa ada pemberitahuan sama sekali. Ataukah ada orang lain selain blogger[dot]Com yang menghapusnya?

Usut punya usut mengapa Blog ini bisa dikasih peringatan setelah membaca lebih jauh menganai apa itu Free Sex BLOG SPAMING. Ternyata yang namanya cerita dewasa 17 tahun BLOG SPAMING adalah sebuah blog yang salah satu didalamnya (khususnya pada Posting) memuat foto mesum banyak LINK yang mentargetkan pada satu URL saja. Artinya, link-link tersebut terlalu berlebihan. Nah, dengan pemberitaan informasi relevan tersebut saya jadi bisa mengetahui kesalahan Blog ini. Ternyata ada beberapa posting yang me-link kan ke satu situs dengan berlebihan.........

Jujur, posting tersebut berawal dari program Paid Review yang ternyata rada ngaco dengan tugas yang membingungkan. Mencoba untuk me-monetize blog ini malah terkena imbasnya. Tetapi kalo broker Paid Review yang baik adalah broker yang tidak membingungkan dalam memberikan tugas. Entahlah itu, tetapi untuk beberapa posting Paid Review akan saya benahi kembali, atau bahkan akan saya hapus sampai Blog ini benar-benar dipulihkan dan dihilangkan dari predikat BLOG SPAMING.

Semoga ini adalah peringatan dan pelajaran terbaik juga berharga bagi saya maupun kawan-kawan blogger lainnya. Ada cerita serupa?

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Shopping Online, Why Not?

Internet has many benefits for our life, it can be enjoying and make happy to refreshing our bored activity. Playing Free Sex Free Game online, entertainmant, movie and other activities in internet is very-very great idea. I know in the moment time, people in the world is like browsing internet.

One of benefits from internet is we can also make Online Shopping. There is very big comunity of site who provider Online Shopping. You can choose any site what you wants.

Well, from some informations i get. I want sharing about one of good little online shop. What is it?

There is Posy Lane Inc, opened in 2007. For any more informations about it, you can visits their website. If you going up to Posy Lane Inc page, you can views any product what you want. One of them is monogrammed towel wraps. You can choose this product what you like, their have many colour from this product.

If you want gifts to your children, there is childrens die cut stickers products. You can look and views any good and funny product. I think your children very happy to looking this stickers.

Finally informations, if you like coffee, their have some product for you. Sure, you can look monogrammed coffee sleeves here. There is some product what you wants.

OK! How about my informations above?
I hope their can be helping you. Hurry up to visits their site or more related informations you want below..

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Monday, May 11, 2009

Getting More Benefits From Advertising On Blog, and How It Works?

Internet has many benefits to our life. We can make enjoying from it, and also can make money online like monetize to blogging. Sure it's true! we can look and enjoying many entertainment and give some informations like Game Online, Music, Radio, Film & Movie and each others. Monetize from blogging? What is it?

Monetize from blogging is also Make Money Blogging. It's activities from people who benefits to make money from their blog or web log. There is many program to monetize from blogging. One of it is get paid to blog. Blogger, it mean people who have weblog can be paid from their post in they blog page, right? It also same of mean "get paid to post". One of good program like this is If you look, you can take two choose what you like, there is Blogger or Advetiser. Did you know, Search marketing and affiliate advertising is very important to promoting your product.
For some informations, program is not also for only benefits to blogger, but also benefits to Advertiser. It's really?

Well, blogger can't works if there is not have some Advertiser, because blogger will be paid from some money calculated from Advertiser, right? So, Blogger as well as Advertiser must works each other. Now, let's talk "Getting Benefits From Advertising On Blogs".

When advertise on blogs page, advertise from example like you will be get individually written reviews of products what your promote. It's very global and general to promoting about your company or your product to get more traffic and more important is : You can get easy of the market place and also your consumer candidate from your product. Did you know, blog is Seach Engine Friendly from Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Than, I think blog is more good and great from ordinary of website, coz blog has many advantages.

From their opinion, it mean advertiser also has benefits from blog advertising. Simply, some product who advertising from blog marketing, not from others advertising in internet media. We know, internet is very big reach. Once again, we can make more benefits and more opportunities from it. Finally, we hope from there maketing we can be success. So, advertising and blogs is interact each other.

How to started Advertising On Blogs?
All what you need is very simple, first you must Sign Up to Than spend about your advertising campaign and load money from ur Paypal account 9must be VERIFIED). I hope this article can be helping you to getting started Advertise On Blog from blogger in the world. Have a good job and experience!!!

Note, Natural search results and sponsored search results is also Good idea. You can also reads about Search and content networks are arguably the best advertising

PS : Pictures/image courtesy by

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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Getting Loans For Your Great Business/Personal Idea

We know economy of the world is decreasing drastically, and all country has incured impact kind of case each other in domestic reality problems. This is “Economic Global Crisis Of The World”, it’s begin from United States of America (USA). I don’t want to sharing case of about that. I want share a good website and company to overcoming case of impact from “Economic Global Crisis Of The World”, specially if you want getting information how to Installment Loans and also about Personal Loans to help your business idea and each others.

There is “First Amerigo Funding” companies, they have committed to helping individuals (personal) obtain unsecured loans. At First Amerigo, all staff provides special knowledge skill derived from many years of direct participation with unsecured lines and unsecured loans of credit. They also understand that every borrower is different and offer a variety of options to meet your individual needs. The process of securing unsecured business loans and unsecured loans straightforward by offering client the best financial services that enable client to make sound choices.

For some informations, there is no other company can offer the service you want with the results you need. Reward yourself today by gaining access to America’s number one loan consulting group. Simply choose one of the links to learn more, submit an application or call one of their consultants for a risk-free consultation.

Only loans approved, this loan can give you the money what you need without some warranty. How about that, are you ready to getting loans for your business or to your personal activity?
Take a look and hurry up! Also see what you think about Unsecured Personal Loans now…

I hope this informations can be benefit to you, and if you want more opportunities about their loans, go their website or related information

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eCover Generator : Cari Praktis Membuat Cover Ebook

Membuat cover ebook memang suatu keharusan bagi publisher/author ebook. Sebelum EBOOK tersebut dijual atau dibagikan secara GRATIS, maka pilihan cover yang terancang atopun dibuat sedemikian rupa "indahnya" dan gamblang sesuai isi buku tersebut pastinya akan membuat calon konsumen anda tertarik untuk membacanya. Walopun itu adalah bagian kecil dari kiat sukses memasarkan ebook, namun cover memang perlu dibikin yang sekiranya menarik, bukan?

Ibarat sebuah perwakilan dari isi buku tersebut, cover adalah wakilnya........
Bagi author yang sering bikin ebook berbayar yang dijual belikan "selangit" maupun ebook ala kadarnya yang dibagikan secara gratis/cuma-cuma, tentu dapat dengan mudah dan terbiasa membuat cover ebook dengan software yang berbayar ato yang gratisan.

Memang, bikin cover ebook sebenarnya tidak susah koq. Lebih mudah bikin cover daripada membuat isi ebook/buku yang berkualitas dan bukan SAMPAH, bukan....?

Cover boleh bagus, tapi isinya "kacangan" ya percuma toh dan cuma mengembar-gemborkan saja...
Jadi, usahakan seimbanglah antara cover dan kualitas isi ebook tersebut. Nah, bagi anda yang sedang mencari software dan "bagaimana cara mudah membuat cover ala foto bugil nan seksi Ebook", saya ingin berbagi aplikasi sederhana tersebut buat anda secara gratis.

Cara buatnya sangatlah mudah, ada sedikit petunjuk pemakaian aplikasi ini dan tentunya ada banyak template cover yang siap anda pakai dan modif. Jadi, jangan khawatir kalo anda kebingungan membuat template cover ebook anda. Anda tidak perlu repot-repot jika anda tidak mau repot membuat desain cover sendiri, karena anda tinggal memilih template cover yang anda sukai. Nama apliakasi/software tersebut adalah "eCover Generator". Bila anda tertarik, silahkan Download Gratis "eCover Generator" tersebut di halaman ini.

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Friday, May 8, 2009

Get Your FREE SMS To The World!

Free SMS (Short Messages Send) has become a case in a normal our life, right? We know each others people in the world have any personal phone like Handphone/Ponsel/mobile phones with any there style. Blackberry, Nokia, Sony Ericson and other style Phone is one of the many mobile phone brands in the world.

To send short messages send or SMS, all provider what you use in your mobile phone has different rates. Rate (charges) of this all depends on which provider you use. My country charge of SMS is different with USA country for example. But, i don't want to explain my experience or others of case about it. I want talk a short about Online SMS, so you can send SMS via internet anywhere you want. In one time, i find some website to send bulk SMS, and i hope you can interesting about that sites.

In there informations, if you are looking for portals to send gratis (free) sms then use the sites on the first list. For a more stable service you can use the second list. Sites on the first list may support only some GSM networks, while sites on the second list usually support all networks.

Are you ready to send more SMS to your friends, your girl or boyfriends? Hurry up going to that site now........

PS :
Search Online SMS Via Internet in your Great "Search Engine" like Sorry, i don't want share anything where is URL to send SMS Free, coz there is some problem. I'am so sorry, but you can looking related site on this page...

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Hati-hati! Aturan Main Ciao Makin Ketat

Kalo tidak ketat mungkin akan semakin kedodoran dan tidak nyaman untuk dipakai seperti layaknya "Celana Kolor", dan sebaliknya kalo terlalu amat ketat pasti juga tidak akan nyaman untuk dipakai. "Ketat"-nya disini berarti bukan sama dengan halnya "Ketat"-nya suatu peraturan, apalagi "Ketat"-nya persoalan yang menimpa mantan model "Manohara Odelia Pinot" maupun dengan ketua Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) - Antasari Azhar serta hubungannya dengan "Rani Juliani" pada tuguhan kasus pembunuhan beberapa dekade ini.

Lain lubuk lain belalang, kita lanjut ke Topik Utama yuks...
Pemblokiran IP Address di situs Ciao, sebuah situs komunitas konsumen produk dan "Review-er" tersebut memang benar adanya. Beberapa IP Address termasuk Indonesia saat ini sudah tidak bisa melakukan pendaftaran member baru apalagi "Login di Ciao". Bener-bener susah dech login di Ciao!
Walaupun keadaan tersebut bisa disiasati dan dipecahkan dengan merubah IP Address Indonesia dengan IP Proxy luar negeri yang diperoleh dengan gratis hanya dengan menginstall aplikasi tertentu, namun pada akhirnya kita bisa kena "Banned" alias diblokir dan dihapus keanggotaannya. Ada apa dengan Ciao dan gerangan yang terjadi? Padahal dengan ikut anggota di komunitas Ciao kan bisa cari duit dan dollar gratis yang dibayarkan lewat Paypal, koq bisa gitu........?

Ya! emang benar kita bisa mendapatkan komisi uang dari rating dari artikel review yang diberikan oleh anggota lainnya dan setiap bulan dibayar via Paypal, dan ini merupakan penghasilan bisnis online yang cukup lumayan hasilnya. ..........dan saya juga pernah dibayar, sama halnya dengan teman2 Ciao mania laennya. Namun dibalik itu semua ada cerita buruk bagi saya saat ini, kenapa? karena akun Ciao saya kena Banned alias dihapus. Ini adalah kali kedua saya di banned oleh Ciao setelah kejadian "susahnya login di Ciao". Walaupun cara login di ciao sudah saya ketahui tetapi "Banned" pun melayang tanpa ada pemberitahuan dan alasannya. Apalagi pemblokiran akun saya adalah beberapa hari setelah saya "Request Payment" dari "Earning di Ciao". Belum dibayar, sudah main pecat aja dan ini juga kali kedua mereka memperlakukan kepada saya dengan total lebih dari US$10 hak saya belum dibayarkan :(

Ini tak lain mungkin karena semakin ketatnya peraturan main di Ciao pada seksi TOS mereka. Maaf, saya tidak akan menuliaskan TOS mereka disini, jadi silahkan anda baca di Ciao saja yach!

Jadi, hati-hatilah anda yang akan dan sudah bermain di Ciao!

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